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We press fresh oil for you



Cold pressed

Cold pressed

From oil mill

From oil mill

Why will you like our cold pressed oils?



is a family company. In our oil mill we use traditional cold pressing method. During the production process we control the taste and quality of the oil. We do our best to ensure that the oil that reaches our customers is a product of the highest quality and unique flavor.


our oils are pressed from selected oilseed purchased from trusted suppliers. The high quality of the seeds contributes to the unique taste and health benefits of our cold-pressed oils. Our oils are a natural, rich source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Cold pressing method

Cold pressing method

oils are pressed using the cold method, we do not exceed the temperature of 40 ° C (104 °F) during the production process. The fresh pressed oil is naturally sedimented without filtering. Thanks to this method, the oil maintain the best health and nutritional properties.

Low storage temperature

from the moment of pressing the oil is stored in dark bottles at a temperature of 4-10 ° C (40-50 ° F) – thanks to this it maintains
health properties and excellent flavor.

Low storage temperature
Freshness guaranteed

Freshness guaranteed

we press our oils in small quantities according to customer orders, thanks to this the product is always fresh for the customer.

Assortment of cold-pressed oils from Oleoteka

flax oil, camelina oil, milk thistle oil, black cumin oil, evening primrose oil, rapeseed oil, hemp oil, pumpkin seed oil.

Assortment of cold-pressed oils from Oleoteka

How to contact with us?

AdresaOleoteka s.c. ul. Kasztelańska 19, 64-920 Piła, Poland

Telefon+48 664 354 845


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